Dating Consult
Dating Consult
Política de cancelación
I give my permission to receive consultation services. I understand that this service is not a substitute alternative for traditional medical treatment or medications. I understand that the consultant does not diagnose illnesses or injuries, or prescribe medications. I, therefore, release Brown Sugar Doc and the individual consultant from all liability as I am aware of the risks. I understand the importance of informing my provider of all medical conditions and medications I am taking, and to let the provider know about any changes to these at any ongoing appointments. I understand that there may be additional risks based on my physical condition. I understand that I or the consultant may terminate the session at anytime. Feedback of your sessions may be taken to aid in record keeping, and to be used with your permission on social media as testimonials to help advertise and improve the services available. No personal or identifying information will ever be released. I am aware that our appointments are subject to late cancellation. I understand this service is subject to the terms outlined in the Disclaimer section of the Store Policy page
Datos de contacto